The Studio
The Hi Fam Studio 
The Hi Fam Studio 
 Our kids don't always listen. 
 Like, duh. In fact we can sometimes feel worried that we're raising brats. The parenting experts keep giving us scripts, tools and suggesting more and more empathy... But somehow our children end up acting out even more? 
Does putting on shoes really require 1,349 carefully worded, empathic, validating requests? 
Parenting can feel thankless.

The mental load is heavy. We can feel invisible. Sometimes it feels like being a mom is being an unpaid maid, chauffeur, chef and much more...
Despite our best efforts we parents worry we're damaging our kids. Maybe it's because we can't perform all the 'gentle parenting robotic scripts' perfectly...?

We can end up feeling like a failure
Worried that we'll traumatize them - we walk on eggshells and work even harder on ourselves.
But somehow, even with all that hard work - we're STILL not getting the behaviors we want! A thank you and five minutes to pee alone would be nice.

But you deserve to enjoy your kids.
And your kids deserve to enjoy their childhood.
The world out there would have you believe that parenting inherently sucks.
That family life HAS to be stressful.
That you’re doomed to stay stuck in survival mode.
But That. Is. Not. True.
In fact - society is getting parenting All. Wrong.
You might feel like you're failing.

 If you spend any time watching reels on instagram, pinning mommy-bloggers advice or even going to therapists and counselors - you might come away feeling like you're failing. You'll learn that:

  • If your child is acting out - it's because you're not empathic enough.
  • If your 8 year old kicks you in the shins - more Special Time must be the answer!
  • If your kid is afraid of the dark - it must be due to some past untold trauma you enacted upon them (Wait, is it because they once cried for 3 minutes straight?!)
  • If your child says "I can't!" or "It's not fair!" - plaster on a botoxed smile and read a sugary script from your phone. (#robotparent)
  • If your child doesn't like strawberries, try therapy!   
But the truth is: You're the expert.
There is no "expert" out there: no book, no guru, no therapist, no teacher or pediatrician who could ever love your child more than you. Who could ever be more dedicated, unconditionally loving and deeply invested in your child's wellbeing, growth and development.
So maybe it's time to stop outsourcing all of your intuition, expectations, guidance and wisdom to someone else? No matter how many Ph.Ds they have or what type of neuroscientific training - you're the one who's going to create the life that you want for your family.

Creating a great family life does not happen through hiring more experts.
It's NOT through more and more empathy,
It's not with endless robotic scripts,
It's not by 'special time'.
It's NOT through endless scrolling on pinterest for the "right" method or comparing yourself unfavorably to other family's and their highlight reels on instagram.
It's not with some "hack" from the picture perfect mommy blogger.
Nor through expecting you give more and yet more attention to your kids.

All of that is just going to spiral you further into guilt and frustration, plus you'll actually see worse and worse behavior from your kids.
NO that's not for you!
It's counterintuitive but your family life is not built through you exhausting yourself and giving more, more and more... Actually it's the OPPOSITE. 
I'm Avital. I totally get it.

I used to feel like a failure. Guilty about mistakes I made in the past, overwhelmed by my mental load in the present and anxious about how my kids will turn out in the future.
I was working so hard on myself and whilst I definitely improved some aspects - I also began to feel resentful.

When I turned to the parenting experts - the answer was always MORE self work and MORE empathy and MORE giving...

"Have special time!"
"It's because you sleep trained him!"
"You just need to count to 10 and take a deep breath!"

I noticed that the more I gave the more drained I became, the worse of a parent I was. The more I tried to force myself into fixed peaceful parenting scripts, the guiltier I felt when I inevitably slipped up. The more I suppressed my feelings of frustration - the more likely I was to yell and explore.

One day, I hit a true low point. My son (6) made some rude back talk comment to me and I lost it. I took his lego spaceship and smashed it on the floor.

At that moment I realized something had to change. If I wanted to enjoy my family life - it couldn't just be down to more and more parenting tricks. Something was missing.

So I went on a journey. I read hundreds of parenting books. But I also read, learned and researched about brain science, habit formation, healthy lifestyle, fitness, building a business and even philosophy and ancient history.

I'm Avital. I totally get it. 
I used to feel like a failure. Guilty about mistakes I made in the past, overwhelmed by my mental load in the present and anxious about how my kids will turn out in the future.
I was working so hard on myself and whilst I definitely improved some aspects - I also began to feel resentful.
When I turned to the parenting experts - the answer was always MORE self work and MORE empathy and MORE giving...

"Have special time!"
"It's because you sleep trained him!"
"You just need to count to 10 and take a deep breath!"

I noticed that the more I gave the more drained I became, the worse of a parent I was. The more I tried to force myself into fixed peaceful parenting scripts, the guiltier I felt when I inevitably slipped up. The more I suppressed my feelings of frustration - the more likely I was to yell and explore.

One day, I hit a true low point. My son (6) made some rude back talk comment to me and I lost it. I took his lego spaceship and smashed it on the floor.

At that moment I realized something had to change. If I wanted to enjoy my family life - it couldn't just be down to more and more parenting tricks. Something was missing.

So I went on a journey. I read hundreds of parenting books. But I also read, learned and researched about brain science, habit formation, healthy lifestyle, fitness, building a business and even philosophy and ancient history.

 All the "parenting" in the world won’t get you the family life you want. 

It took many painful mistakes, years of research, trial and error...but I finally understood that more and more "parenting" would not get me a family life I enjoy.

Why? Because empathy, attention, one-on-one time, gentle parenting scripts... all of these have their place and they're useful. But they can only take you so far in creating a happy household.

Self growth is great and all but it, alone, would not transform my family life.

In fact, something way simpler, easy to implement and incredibly powerful would transform my family life. Making me more confident and bringing out the best in my kids.

Now, after over a decade, with 5 children, thousands of students around the world... I want to unpack exactly those steps I took so that you can leapfrog over me - take advantage of my years of painful trial and error, and get the bottom line step-by-step plan, ready for you to implement right now.

 All the "parenting" in the world won’t get you the family life you want. 

It took many painful mistakes, years of research, trial and error...but I finally understood that more and more "parenting" would not get me a family life I enjoy.

Why? Because empathy, attention, one-on-one time, gentle parenting scripts... all of these have their place and they're useful. But they can only take you so far in creating a happy household.

Self growth is great and all but it, alone, will not transform my family life.
In fact, something way simpler, easy to implement and incredibly powerful would transform my family life. Making me more confident and bringing out the best in my kids.

Now, after over a decade, with 5 children, thousands of students around the world... I want to unpack exactly those steps I took so that you can leapfrog over me - take advantage of my years of painful trial and error, and get the bottom line step-by-step plan, ready for you to implement right now.

Stop "parenting", start Family Habits
Build a meaningful family life one habit at a time. 
Thousands of students | 100 countries around the world | Countless lives touched
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When The Studio Opens, You'll Have Options:
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"Now I am clear on my role as a parent, how I want my family to be, the behaviors we want, the values we uphold. That clarity is priceless. This program is truly exceptional."
 - Liz 
"I was terribly isolated, living away from family. I was in a very dark place. Finding this community has been a lifeline 💃🏽  Now I'm a better mother because I feel fully supported, it's been the best investment in my family." 
- Kayla
"I used to feel like I was just a glorified servant - always doing housework and draining myself for my family. Thanks to The Studio we are finally working together as a team!  🙌 "
- Joycee
What if I told you a year from now, you would have:
Clarity & Confidence 
When you adopt the the Vision Habit you will gain clarity and confidence - you'll know exactly what your family's values are, where you're leading your family and what the next steps are to get there. Eliminate decision fatigue, become unruffled, focused and enjoy your crystal clarity as every daily choice becomes easy.
An Organized Home 
Build the Home Habit and make your home your favorite place on earth 🌎 with an amazing atmorphere. This habit helps you take charge of your physical environment, declutter, streamline and design your spaces and have a high vibe, cosy and inviting household which inspires good behavior and encourages all members of the family to be productive, calm and well organized.
Decluttered Life
The Content Habit is where you edit your home and purposefully choose and filter what comes into your home - from books to movies, food to clothes, music to artwork - your home will reflect your values and vision and help you teach your children the exact culture that you want them to grow up as a part of.
"I am so proud that our weekly family meal has become a deeply cherished weekly Saturday tradition in our family. And we have implemented a Sunday Fire Night / Game Night and the kids (who never used to enjoy board games at all) now love it and actually anticipate it. It was amazing to see them playing without us this afternoon while the bread was baking and while waiting for the 'official' Fire/Game Night to start.❤️"
- Nina
Streamlined Schedule 💁‍♀️
The Rituals Habit ensures you'll get quality time together, peaceful bedtime routines, streamlined mornings and regular family meals. This habit helps you to take charge of your schedule and make sure you're making time for the important thing in life: Your Family.
Meaningful Memories
When you build the Traditions Habit you'll create meaningful annual traditions such as a special holiday party, you get to become the "fun mom" who crafts special experiences that imprint as lifelong memories for your children.
Important Milestones 🥳
The Rites Habit is all about celebrating key life milestones - this is how we ensure that we don’t miss on those special moments or regret not taking the time to mark them properly. This is how we make meaningful birthdays count, do that once in a lifetime trip or mark that big achievement 🎂🎓 💪
"The Tech Break ritual has truly brought us so much joy! And my kids have embraced it too. It’s amazing how just naming it ('Sorry, we can’t use the iPad today because we’re on a tech break') results in almost no push back from my kids! It’s very official sounding (I wonder what else I can use this strategy on haha!). It also surprised me how often during the breaks I think to myself, 'Wow if I was on my phone right now I would have missed this tiny moment'.💕"
- Kendra
Deep Connection
Ensure no one in your family ever feels overlooked when you establish the Bonding Habit - get emotionally connected, feel good together, learn the ancient art of bonding behaviors and enjoy moments of laughter, bliss, and snuggles that built trust. With this habit you can sleep easy at night knowing the most important relationships in the world are nurtured and cared for.
Great Teamwork 👏
With the Teamwork Habit, you'll raise helpful kids! Together you'll get a handle on chores, setting up systems, and tackling household maintenance with team spirit. Learn how to work together as a team, to hold high expectations of your little ones so that they can grow into big ones who can sustain themselves with well-honed life skills.
Resilience & Strength
In a world that suggests more and more parenting as the answer to all behavioral challenges, learn the lost art of mindset coaching. The Coaching Habit is the antidote to overparenting. Learn how to take your child from "I can't!" to "I can!" From "It's not fair!" to "You win some, you lose some!" From "I give up" to "I'll try again." Raise a child who is resilient, has a strong backbone, broad shoulders, an open mind and a tender heart.
"Both my 5 yo son and I were sick over the weekend and hubby was prepping for travel. I asked my 8 yo son once if he could take over kitchen clean up. I went upstairs to help my younger son with shower and bedtime (a bit harder given we were both ill). To my delight, I came downstairs and saw a fully cleaned up kitchen!! He had wiped down the counter, dinner table, chairs, swept the floor, and put the dishes away. I used to have to really push and insist. I am soooo PROUD."
- Anohki
Family Values 🥰
The Kinship Habit is designed to help you reclaim, reframe, and rejuvenate your relationships with extended family and help your child feel part of a tribe. From learning how to set boundaries, to gleaning wisdom to managing expectations - this habit is designed to leverage the key (although sometimes painful) relationships with your relatives and give your child a deep sense of belonging.
Deep Friendships
Build a sense of community, help your child find friends, keep friends, and be a good friend. In a world where so many feel isolated and lonely the Friendship Habit will help your entire family make friends, gain the support that we all need to go through life, find meaningful connections in your local neighborhood and coach your child through the ups and downs of their friendships.
Common Sense & Values 🙌
The Influence Habit is how you find and choose good mentors, take charge over negative influences in your child's life and ensure that your family belongs to the types of institutions, communities, and activities that best reflect your vision and values. When there is an influence gap - something swoops in to fill that void. So if YOU don't influence your child, Kim Kardashian and TikTok will happily do it for you... take back the power of influence over your child with this key habit!
More parenting won't get you these things.
Family habits will.

How do we get you these Family Habits?
One step at a time, baby.
Every season you will stack another habit on.
By the end of the year, your family will have had a total upgrade! 
 Sarah managed to establish special Family Meals as a regular thing. She said: 
 "The Studio was 100% a success and far exceeded my expectations. Family Meals have definitely been integrated into our weekly routine. It feels so easy now whereas at the beginning it felt so difficult! It's a special time we all look forward to. My kids all love it and love helping prepare. Even my 2 year old saw me pulling out the tablecloth and decorations today and asked me about "faminy dinna." My oldest can basically make the main dish now on his own. We have lively conversation and far less drama. It really has developed into the tradition I hoped it would be when I enrolled!! ❤️❤️❤️" 
 Marisa finally created the keepsake Family Album she's been hoping to do for years. She said: 
"Wins: We love this book so much that it is now going to be a yearly December tradition to put one together! My husband asked if we can even go back and make one for previous years! I think it is a beautiful decor piece and perfectly displays our family value of togetherness 💕 I used the momentum from putting this together to also order new photo prints and finally put together my second child’s baby book! I FINALLY organized my chaotic photo system and have storage freed up on my phone." 
At long last, Maraid's family can enjoy a peaceful bedtime and sleep soundly - now that she's redesigned the space. In her words: 
 "Creating this simplified, restorative sleep sanctuary has been so incredibly empowering. I feel like there is finally less frantic and more confident momentum. A lot of other neighboring areas of my life are now finally starting to budge, too. TLDR; is that I am HERE for this format and SO EXCITED to choose the next Family Habit! Grateful to do this work and play with all of you! ONWARD." 
 Anniele established regular screen-free time in nature... she's creating healthy habits and meaningful memories. As she wrote: 
 "#Wins #TechBreak #FitFam
 A lovely tech break . Thankful to be fit and have peace of mind to watch over my 6 kids + 3 cousins on a hike." 
 Rachel finally began teaching her children how to cook - working as a team they establish key life skills and work together to make their family meal. She shared: 
 "After a rocky start our family meal is going really well. It gave me the incentive I needed to finally start teaching my kids how to cook. We picked a meal where they can help prep the veggies and eventually I want to teach them to make the garlic bread knots and a dessert. Even better, since learning proper knife skills my 2 eldest now make themselves a 'salad snack' after school rather than asking for biscuits and sweets!" 
 Jessica created a beautiful gallery wall to unite her family and make their values and character a thing of beauty and joy in their home. Here's what she said: 
 "I am so proud to have some finished work to show. My family really enjoyed working on it as well! I usually work on these projects alone and silently so this was really fun and much needed! We represented most of the brand elements through the photos or the words around the hand prints. We even added a little Lego family for fun! This is a big win for me and I’m really happy with the outcome." 
Jennifer has been working on her extended family bonds by establishing get-together's, something even older kids enjoyed and are looking forward to continuing. She said: 
"We had a lovely time with family today (on my side of the family). My kids spent good quality time with their much older cousins. It was so special.

And my nieces and nephew were really excited that I wanted us to be more intentional with having family get-togethers. Considering 2 of them are university students and one has just finished university, so they all have very busy lives with friends, I thought it was rather special that they were keen to still hang out more often.

What really made my heart warm was that the 3 older cousins were saying how they hope that when they are older and married with kids, that we will still all live nearby so that the next generation can grow up together. " 
Leslie decluttered and designed a drool-worthy pantry she had been fantasizing about forever. Her house is more guest-ready and she feels more confidence and joy. In her words: 
"This pantry has been an eyesore since we moved in and it's such a relief to have it organized. We have a house that is great for entertaining and the reason we bought this house was so that as our kids get older we will have a space where all their friends will want to come and hang. I've been working on making our house feel more welcoming and ready for guests at any time. Organizing the pantry and stocking up on little snacks that our guests can easily help themselves to brings me joy." 
If you take on ONE new family Habit per season, you could be looking at a fitter, happier, more connected, more organized, decluttered, better sleeping family by this time next year... Just look at Jenna:

🏠 Moving from a place that we thought would be our forever location into a new home was a rollercoaster of emotions. This came at a perfect time to throw myself into making our new home one of great energy and vibes! Today, we are so happy in the home we have created for ourselves, and don't regret moving at all! ✨

💪🏻 Despite managing to break my ankle stepping off a step not long after starting this habit, the encouragement from the amazing women in this community that I am blessed to call friends kept me going, aircast, crutches, and all! Today, I have been able to maintain my goal weight and continue to work out daily, for 20 minutes at the least. I am learning more and more about my body and fitness, and am implementing intermittent fasting and different exercise routines. 🧘‍♀️

🌙 This habit has revitalized my health and wellness, and has helped immensely with my family's restful sleep as well! Today, we continue to unapologetically prioritize our sleep, and feel the positive benefits every day! ☀️

✨ This one was so much fun and really tapped into my creative passions! I can't wait to get our fam logo displayed! 💛
"This has truly been a metamorphosis of a year, and I am so thankful for this invaluable community and program! Cheers to another year of growth and love, friends!! 🐛 🦋"

- Jenna
What could you accomplish with The Studio?
If you've ever wished there was more support, guidance and clarity for us parents 🗺.
If you've felt that there's so much more you'd like to accomplish as a parent ⏳.
If you worry that all your work sometimes feels like it's not getting you anywhere 😮‍💨
Or if you just need some order and direction so that you can actually complete all the amazing ideas in your pinterest brain 🧠📌...

The Studio will break it down for you into tiny, doable steps - 🪜 and you will establish a stack of lifelong habits that will absolutely create the amazing atmosphere you're looking for 🥰. 
In the Studio you'll get everything you need to enjoy your family life even more:
You have enough on your plate - you don't need hours of research, rabbit holes and detailing a plan to crush your goals. That's what we're here for. You'll receive exactly the steps to take to establish the habit and cement it into your life. 
Giving you the in depth, scientifically backed, no nonsense reasons why you should choose a particular habit, what it entails and how to make it sticky - these inspiring video workshops are the piece of the puzzle that lights a fire under you to get going! 
People's goals are usually waaaaay too big - so they give up before they even see headway. That doesn't happen in the Studio because we pace you and help you to keep showing up for yourself and your family until these new goals become well established habits. 
What could you accomplish with The Studio?
If you've ever wished there was more support, guidance and clarity for us parents 🗺.
If you've felt that there's so much more you'd like to accomplish as a parent ⏳.
If you worry that all your work sometimes feels like it's not getting you anywhere 😮‍💨
Or if you just need some order and direction so that you can actually complete all the amazing ideas in your pinterest brain 🧠📌...

The Studio will break it down for you into tiny, doable steps - 🪜 and you will establish a stack of lifelong habits that will absolutely create the amazing atmosphere you're looking for 🥰. 
In the Studio you'll get everything you need to enjoy your family life even more:
You have enough on your plate - you don't need hours of research, rabbit holes and detailing a plan to crush your goals. That's what we're here for. You'll receive exactly the steps to take to establish the habit and cement it into your life. 
Giving you the in depth, scientifically backed, no nonsense reasons why you should choose a particular habit, what it entails and how to make it sticky - these inspiring video workshops are the piece of the puzzle that lights a fire under you to get going! 
People's goals are usually waaaaay too big - so they give up before they even see headway. That doesn't happen in the Studio because we pace you and help you to keep showing up for yourself and your family until these new goals become well established habits. 
Inside The Studio, each season you will add an important habit to stack into your family's wellbeing... Just look at Galina:
✅ Screen Free Meals 

We always tried to have family dinners, but it never quite worked...Now I have completely incorporated this beautiful family tradition into our weekly lives! This has been an incredible experience of holding this family feast every week since the start of the project. Though of course it came with the drama, everyone participates in  cleaning up and preparing meals for the dinner. We light candles, say prayers,  get dressed up in nice clothing , sing songs and eat extra delicious foods. Added benefit is that I started inviting extended family over for these dinners (which I didn't do in the past due to lack of space in our apartment) and kids absolutely love having their cousins over to play and be together on this special day. (I didn't get more space, I just decided to do it with discomfort of small space)!
✅ Regular Work Outs

In the past I always worked out on and off but never consistently since having my fist child. I always had the intention to be consistent but never fully acted on it. With The Studio came the accountability to work out 3/week for 30 min, which seemed doable. Now, I'm proud to say that 9 month later since the start of the project I still work out 3-4 times/week for 30 min. I  have never been on such long string of consistency since the kids. I feel so great and accomplished and I constantly get complements 😊😊
✅ Declutter Bedroom & Evening Routine

Even though I was always great on going to sleep early, but with The Studio I implemented the idea of consistently unwinding before bed with a book, a nice shower (sometimes with a candle and calm music) and no screens at least an hour before bed. I also learned a few tricks on how to be more firm when putting kids to bed and the result was less drama during bedtime for everyone 
✅ Inspirational Poster to Teach Our Values

I really enjoyed working on our family brand on as I want my values to be communicated to my kids in a fun way so that they don't feel that they are just constantly lectured; and since I like writing small poems, I did just that. My oldest one already knows it by heart 😁
"This active, project based approach has worked for Me to create action much better than hours of listening to content and nodding my head along. "

- Galina
Pretty amazing results, huh? So let me ask you:
What would all this be worth to you?

Family joy, lifelong bonds, raising great kids, enjoying their childhood...

What would it be worth? $1,000? $100,000? $100,000,000?!

Can you even put a price tag on it?

The fact is that there IS no training in creating family life.

People spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on college degrees.
But our family life is arguably even more important than our career.
And yet we invest almost nothing in it?

The Studio has everything you need to build a family life you love.

Cherished Childhood
Resilient Kids
Lifelong Togetherness

No Regrets.

"The results are completely priceless."
- Marcy, 3 year member, mother of 2

Sounds amazing.
How do you know it will it work for me?
The Studio is a proven method. Thousands of parents have gone through this program. 
With thousands of people from all over the world who have already been members for years now, we can say without a shadow of a doubt that The Studio WORKS.

The Studio has been proven with families with kids of all ages and temperaments.

It has benefitted a diverse range of family structures.

It has found success across a wide range of cultures, religions, and countries.
Single parents
Foster parents 
Blended families
Young parents
Older parents
First-time parents
Experienced parents
Small families
Large families
Special Needs
Families with twins
Families with large age gaps
Families with tight age gaps
Work-Outside-the-Home parents
Work-At-Home parents
Stay-At-Home parents
Public schoolers
Private schoolers
Did we miss anyone?
That sounds so cool! A global community
Tell me more about this community!
Their results are inspiring and they're waiting to cheer you on.
Join the best community in the world and feel the powerful force of a supportive village behind you. 🥳 Never feel alone again... 🥳
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 Quick Look Inside: 
How often? 24/7/365 - this community is always there for you.
What do I get? A wonderfully uplifting Feed, supportive Chats, and even Local meetups - potentially near you!
Give me an example? Post any parenting, marriage, or family related question and pool the wisdom of like-minded parents.
What's this good for? Drama-Free and Distraction-Free - our desktop and mobile app space brings you the best of online (and offline) connection. 🌎
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"I have truly never experience such an incredible, diverse, supportive group anywhere, ever."
- Carrie
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"I am so thankful for the past 2 years of being a member of The Studio! It really is unlike any other community I've ever been a part of. Avital and the Hi Fam team are amazing! They've created this one of a kind, truly judgment free community of peaceful and intentional parents. I can't imagine where I'd be on my parenting journey without it! I feel like The Studio found me at just the right time 2 years ago, and I've never looked back."
"I’m thrilled to be staying for another year! I need The Studio in my life. Ultimately I feel as though the community here has my back. When I need help or guidance, friendship or connection or just the simple knowledge that I’m not alone in this journey, Hi Fammers are there for me. Conscious parenting certainly is not my cultural norm but I feel supported in my choices and encouraged each day to strive for progress over perfection."
Drama-Free Environment
So that you can relax, be authentic and share with peace of mind. All posts are be sincere, heartfelt and read with the benefit of the doubt. Whilst we're absolutely here for the vulnerable, honest and even painful and taboo topics - we have a zero tolerance policy to cancel culture of any kind of inflammatory remarks. 
Like-Minded Parents
Everyone in this group is on a mission to strengthen their family - just like you. Members are from over 100 countries around the world, from every major religion, from every family structure and have kids of every age. What unites us? A dedication to creating a positive family culture. In this we support each other and to this end we come together. 
Uplifting & Encouraging
So that we can actually get you results in your real home life - the whole idea of this community is to help you with gentle, loving accountability that will drive you towards your goals. If you need a little vent - we'll hold you a pity party - but then we'll help you to dust off and get back on the horse! We're in your corner - go, go, go! 

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"I erased all my other apps. This community is everything."
- Shayna
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 What Makes This Group So Radically Different Than Social Media? 
Mission Oriented
All our members are here with a joint mission in mind: to create a family life they love. This is not a place where you'll find links to random articles, fear-based news or any other negative input.
Our group won't lead you down unwanted rabbit-holes where you suddenly find yourself buying *ish you don't need. This space is entirely dedicated to the work we're here to do. 
NO Manipulative Algorithms
We have zero interest in keeping you "engaged" for as long as possible. In fact, our goal is to give you the information as quickly as possible - and get you back to your real life so you can take action and see results!
No, you won't suddenly find yourself stalking your ex because you clicked on a post about essential oils. 
We're careful about what we use our feed for because we want to protect your mindspace, energy and precious time. 
Our revenue comes from member fees only. Never from ads, sponsors or selling data to third parties. As paying members, Hi Fammers are heavily invested in the success and standards of our community. 
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 "This group is THE best! No mom shaming. All help. No criticism. All LOVE! If you’re wondering how to get to the type of life you thought parenting might offer, this is the way." 

 "If you wish you could offer your kids the a closer experience to the kind of immersive childhood you may have had without so much reliance on digital, this is THE way. If you are looking for a village, this is it. Not paid to say this, but I *have* paid 5 years to be in this group and it’s ALL. The. Things! I found it on an ad like this 5 years ago... I’d never be where I am as a mom now if it weren’t for #HiFam “my wild child” and “willful” and “turbulent” one has finally developed the kids of emotional regulation I have always hoped for her — all thanks to this wonderful inclusive loving group — my “needy” child who can’t do ANYTHING alone is an independent, creative, self-sufficient child. Never been better to have than during these trying times this past year. Literal life saver." 

- Melissa
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We are with you, every step of the way.
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"There is a reason why so many of us have commented about the safety and lack of judgment here... because it is rare and hard to find. This is what makes The Studio so special to me. I appreciate that this is intentionally set out by Avital... she repeats comments often in her videos, validating that we are all different and imperfect. But the members of the group also follow through and make that magic happen. I feel truly blessed to have found The Studio!"
"The universe has a beautiful way of giving us exactly what we need because through this year I have been finding more and more of my soul family. For the first time in my life feeling like there actually is nothing wrong with me, I actually can have soul-deep, open, honest conversations and be seen by other people. The Studio has empowered me so much. I wanted to share this also as a way to say, if you're in this boat craving connection, feeling like you don't fit in - your people are out there just be open to receive them and dare to show all parts of you, it's scary and yet totally worth it. ❤ And who knows, maybe one of your people is actually even here. Right Jolita? 😉"
Supportive Community
Join the best community in the world and feel the powerful force of a supportive village behind you. 🥳 Never feel alone again... 🥳
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 Quick Look Inside: 
How often? 24/7/365 - this community is always there for you.
What do I get? A wonderfully uplifting Feed, supportive Chats, and even Local meetups - potentially near you!
Give me an example? Post any parenting, marriage, or family related question and pool the wisdom of like-minded parents.
What's this good for? Drama-Free and Distraction-Free - our cutting edge desktop and mobile app platform brings you the best of online (and offline) connection. 🌎
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"I have truly never experience such an incredible, diverse, supportive group anywhere, ever."
- Carrie
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"I am so thankful for the past 2 years of being a member of The Studio! It really is unlike any other community I've ever been a part of. Avital and the Hi Fam team are amazing! They've created this one of a kind, truly judgment free community of peaceful and intentional parents. I can't imagine where I'd be on my parenting journey without it! I feel like The Studio found me at just the right time 2 years ago, and I've never looked back."
- Kristi
"I’m thrilled to be staying for another year! I need The Studio in my life. Ultimately I feel as though the community here has my back. When I need help or guidance, friendship or connection or just the simple knowledge that I’m not alone in this journey, Hi Fammers are there for me. Conscious parenting certainly is not my cultural norm but I feel supported in my choices and encouraged each day to strive for progress over perfection."
- Mindi
Drama-Free Environment
So that you can relax, be authentic and share with peace of mind. All posts are be sincere, heartfelt and read with the benefit of the doubt. Whilst we're absolutely here for the vulnerable, honest and even painful and taboo topics - we have a zero tolerance policy to cancel culture of any kind of inflammatory remarks. 
Like-Minded Parents
Everyone in this group is on a mission to strengthen their family - just like you. Members are from over 100 countries around the world, from every major religion, from every family structure and have kids of every age. What unites us? A dedication to creating a positive family culture. In this we support each other and to this end we come together. 
Uplifting & Encouraging
So that we can actually get you results in your real home life - the whole idea of this community is to help you with gentle, loving accountability that will drive you towards your goals. If you need a little vent - we'll hold you a pity party - but then we'll help you to dust off and get back on the horse! We're in your corner - go, go, go! 

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"I erased all my other apps. This community is everything."
- Shayna
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 What Makes This Group So Radically Different Than Social Media? 
Mission Oriented
All our members are here with a joint mission in mind: to create a family life they love. This is not a place where you'll find links to random articles, fear-based news or any other negative input.
Our group won't lead you down unwanted rabbit-holes where you suddenly find yourself buying *ish you don't need. This space is entirely dedicated to the work we're here to do. 
NO Manipulative Algorithms
We have zero interest in keeping you "engaged" for as long as possible. In fact, our goal is to give you the information as quickly as possible - and get you back to your real life so you can take action and see results!
No, you won't suddenly find yourself stalking your ex because you clicked on a post about essential oils. 
We're careful about what we use our feed for because we want to protect your mindspace, energy and precious time. 
Our revenue comes from member fees only. Never from ads, sponsors or selling data to third parties. As paying members, Hi Fammers are heavily invested in the success and standards of our community. 
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 "This group is THE best! No mom shaming. All help. No criticism. All LOVE! If you’re wondering how to get to the type of life you thought parenting might offer, this is the way." 

 "If you wish you could offer your kids the a closer experience to the kind of immersive childhood you may have had without so much reliance on digital, this is THE way. If you are looking for a village, this is it. Not paid to say this, but I *have* paid 5 years to be in this group and it’s ALL. The. Things! I found it on an ad like this 5 years ago... I’d never be where I am as a mom now if it weren’t for #HiFam “my wild child” and “willful” and “turbulent” one has finally developed the kids of emotional regulation I have always hoped for her — all thanks to this wonderful inclusive loving group — my “needy” child who can’t do ANYTHING alone is an independent, creative, self-sufficient child. Never been better to have than during these trying times this past year. Literal life saver." 

- Melissa
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We are with you, every step of the way.
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"There is a reason why so many of us have commented about the safety and lack of judgment here... because it is rare and hard to find. This is what makes The Studio so special to me. I appreciate that this is intentionally set out by Avital... she repeats comments often in her videos, validating that we are all different and imperfect. But the members of the group also follow through and make that magic happen. I feel truly blessed to have found The Studio!"
- Alannah
"The universe has a beautiful way of giving us exactly what we need because through this year I have been finding more and more of my soul family. For the first time in my life feeling like there actually is nothing wrong with me, I actually can have soul-deep, open, honest conversations and be seen by other people. The Studio has empowered me so much. I wanted to share this also as a way to say, if you're in this boat craving connection, feeling like you don't fit in - your people are out there just be open to receive them and dare to show all parts of you, it's scary and yet totally worth it. ❤ And who knows, maybe one of your people is actually even here. Right Jolita? 😉"
- Rūta
Sounds amazing.
How do you help me follow through?
What You Get In The Studio
We're here to personalize, customize and trouble shoot with Office Hours
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 Quick Look Inside: 
How often? Monthly - You'll have opportunities to submit questions whether or not you're able to attend live!
What do I get? Live access to Avital in monthly zoom meetings and replays in the Q&A Library!
Give me an example? Family Drama, Parenting Strategies, How to Talk to Kids About (Sex, World News, War, Death, etc), and much more.
What's this good for? Problem-solving, making decision, and navigating modern-life parenting challenges.
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Get ready for encouragement, empathy, and tough love! Avital is not afraid to dive into those hard-hitting topics and guide you through the parenting struggles we all face in today's world. So gear up to be that parent who sails through the day-to-day challenges, tricky conversations and inevitable dilemmas with conviction and clarity, all while keeping it real. Avital's got your back, and together, you'll conquer those challenges like a boss!

"This is one of the best things I did for myself, for my family. Life changing is no exaggeration. I have loved all the topics and you cover so much more than parenting, it's more like Family Life Coaching. I found great value like having a vision and building our culture. It's about living intentionally, rather than just letting life happen and sometimes suffering through it. I have gained so many valuable mindset changes I feel so empowered."

- Tila 

We're here to personalize, customize and trouble shoot with Office Hours
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 Quick Look Inside: 
How often? Monthly - You'll have opportunities to submit questions whether or not you're able to attend live!
What do I get? Live access to Avital in monthly zoom meetings and replays in the Q&A Library!
Give me an example? Family Drama, Parenting Strategies, How to Talk to Kids About (Sex, World News, War, Death, etc), and much more.
What's this good for? Problem-solving, making decision, and navigating modern-life parenting challenges.
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Get ready for encouragement, empathy, and tough love! Avital is not afraid to dive into those hard-hitting topics and guide you through the parenting struggles we all face in today's world. So gear up to be that parent who sails through the day-to-day challenges, tricky conversations and inevitable dilemmas with conviction and clarity, all while keeping it real. Avital's got your back, and together, you'll conquer those challenges like a boss!

"This is one of the best things I did for myself, for my family. Life changing is no exaggeration. I have loved all the topics and you cover so much more than parenting, it's more like Family Life Coaching. I found great value like having a vision and building our culture. It's about living intentionally, rather than just letting life happen and sometimes suffering through it. I have gained so many valuable mindset changes I feel so empowered."

- Tila 

Anything else?

🥳 Yep - there's more! 🥳

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 Leadership Training

 We want to ensure your success - which is why we are value-packing the program. You gain access to these bonus leadership trainings free with your Studio membership. 

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🥳 Yep - there's more! 🥳

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 Leadership Training

 We want to ensure your success - which is why we are value-packing the program. You gain access to these bonus leadership trainings free with your Studio membership. 

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How To Make Any Decision

And Beat Analysis Paralysis

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!
How To Follow Through

When You Know What You "Should" Be Doing, But Can't Seem To Actually Do It

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!
How To Set Boundaries

How To Set Clear Empathic Limits Without Being A Meanie or a Pushover

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!
How To Handle Emotions

How To Handle Big Bad Feelings Without Having a Meltdown Yourself

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!

With a whopping 35,000 decisions per day (whoa, right?), no wonder you're feeling decision fatigue! We know you've got a gazillion choices to make, like sleep training, homeschooling, or whether to splurge on that fancy STEM toy. Fret not, our training's got your back, offering a super effective roadmap to make those choices with clarity, speed, and swagger. Unleash your inner parenting rockstar and get ready to kick decision paralysis to the curb! Confidence? You bet. Your family's well-being? Priceless! 

 Time to kick procrastination to the curb... This training is will help you bridge the gap between knowing and doing, ensuring your family's growth stays on the fast track. Time to shatter the myth that you can't turn those "shoulds" into "dids"! Flex that commitment muscle and start making things happen with tenacity and grace. High fives all round. 

Did you know that research shows permissive parenting can lead to a 50% increase in behavior issues in kids? But don't sweat it, we're here to transform you into a boundary-setting ninja! This training is jam-packed with tips and tricks to help you lay down the law with heart, ensuring your kiddos respect the rules without feeling like you're some sort of parenting supervillain. It's time to bust the myth that you can't be both firm and kind. Flex those parenting muscles and set loving limits with a sprinkle of coolness. 


Let's tackle those emotional rollercoasters with style. Did you know that studies indicate that effectively managing emotions can reduce the risk of developing anxiety and depression in kids by up to 40%? This mini series will teach you emotional-taming 101.  This training hands you the formula to help you navigate your family's stormy feelings like champs, ensuring your emotional well-being stays on point.  Flex that emotional intelligence and feel cool as a cucumber, even when tantrums abound.

"I got more in 1 hour with you then I have from 10 years of therapy."

"I am learning a mind blowing amount of stuff about myself which I never imagined. Discovering new insights about myself that I never saw in me before! The membership was a huge investment for me and does impact my finances a fair bit but I am 100% happy that I decided to spend my money on this. It is worth every penny. It's for my children, myself and my partner."
- Jordie

"I used to parent, and live life in general, out of fear, but now I can say that I try my best to parent from love and to love parenting. This is a fun job, and I enjoy it!"
- Marty

"I seriously think The Studio should be mandatory for all parents. In my opinion, it should be prioritized like college is prioritized!"
- Brittany

Bonus # 1
How To Make Any Decision

And Beat Analysis Paralysis

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!

With a whopping 35,000 decisions per day (whoa, right?), no wonder you're feeling decision fatigue! We know you've got a gazillion choices to make, like sleep training, homeschooling, or whether to splurge on that fancy STEM toy. Fret not, our training's got your back, offering a super effective roadmap to make those choices with clarity, speed, and swagger. Unleash your inner parenting rockstar and get ready to kick decision paralysis to the curb! Confidence? You bet. Your family's well-being? Priceless! 

"I got more in 1 hour with you then I have from 10 years of therapy."

Bonus # 2
How To Follow Through

When You Know What You "Should" Be Doing, But Can't Seem To Actually Do It

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!

 Time to kick procrastination to the curb... This training is will help you bridge the gap between knowing and doing, ensuring your family's growth stays on the fast track. Time to shatter the myth that you can't turn those "shoulds" into "dids"! Flex that commitment muscle and start making things happen with tenacity and grace. High fives all round. 

"I am learning a mind blowing amount of stuff about myself which I never imagined. Discovering new insights about myself that I never saw in me before! The membership was a huge investment for me and does impact my finances a fair bit but I am 100% happy that I decided to spend my money on this. It is worth every penny. It's for my children, myself and my partner."
- Jordie

Bonus # 3
How To Set Boundaries

How To Set Clear Empathic Limits Without Being A Meanie or a Pushover

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!

Did you know that research shows permissive parenting can lead to a 50% increase in behavior issues in kids? But don't sweat it, we're here to transform you into a boundary-setting ninja! This training is jam-packed with tips and tricks to help you lay down the law with heart, ensuring your kiddos respect the rules without feeling like you're some sort of parenting supervillain. It's time to bust the myth that you can't be both firm and kind. Flex those parenting muscles and set loving limits with a sprinkle of coolness. 

"I used to parent, and live life in general, out of fear, but now I can say that I try my best to parent from love and to love parenting. This is a fun job, and I enjoy it!"
- Marty

Bonus # 4
How To Handle Emotions

How To Handle Big Bad Feelings Without Having a Meltdown Yourself

(Value - $429)
Free - Included in The Studio!

Let's tackle those emotional rollercoasters with style. Did you know that studies indicate that effectively managing emotions can reduce the risk of developing anxiety and depression in kids by up to 40%? This mini series will teach you emotional-taming 101.  This training hands you the formula to help you navigate your family's stormy feelings like champs, ensuring your emotional well-being stays on point.  Flex that emotional intelligence and feel cool as a cucumber, even when tantrums abound.

"I seriously think The Studio should be mandatory for all parents. In my opinion, it should be prioritized like college is prioritized!"
- Brittany

 You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain: Our rock-solid 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!  
Introducing our rock-solid 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! If for any reason you're not head over heels in love with the program, no worries – you've got 30 days to claim a refund (minus a 10% processing fee). Why do we offer this? Because we're 100% confident in our program, and we know that if you show up and give it your all, you'll see mind-blowing results. So go ahead, take the leap and rest easy knowing you're covered by our no-nonsense guarantee. Let's make some magic happen together!
Here's Everything You're Getting When You Join Today!
Let's do some math. Everyone's favorite. 😉
The Studio Membership 
Everything you need to stack the Family Habits that create your dream family life.
($5,500 Value)
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Leadership Training Bonuses 
Rest easy knowing that you've got these foundational trainings to supercharge your family whenever you need a boost. 
($2,299 Value)
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 Office Hours 
Answers to your unique situations and parenting dilemmas.
($1,000 Value)
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Hi Fam Community 
Your support, accountability, and wisdom-pooling network - your virtual village.
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Total Value $8,799
Total Studio Investment only $429
Here's Everything You're Getting When You Join Today!
Let's do some math. Everyone's favorite. 😉
 The Studio Membership 
Everything you need to stack the Family Habits that create your dream family life.
($5,500 Value)
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 The Supportive Community 
Rest easy knowing that you've got these foundational trainings to supercharge your family whenever you need a boost. 
($2,299 Value)
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 Office Hours 
Answers to your unique situations and parenting dilemmas.
($1,000 Value)
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Hi Fam Community 
Your support, accountability, and wisdom-pooling network - your virtual village.
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Total Value $8,799
Total Studio Investment only $429
When The Studio Opens, You'll Have Options:
Quarterly Membership
Every 3 Months
Cancel Anytime
Yearly Membership
Save $127 every year!
Cancel Anytime
Be the first to know when the next cohort begins.
Get on the waitlist now:

Join The Waitlist now (Free)
When The Studio Opens, You'll Have Options:
Yearly Membership
Save $127 every year!
Quarterly Membership
Every 3 Months
Be the first to know when the next cohort begins.
Get on the waitlist now:


They did it, so can you...

- Kayte
"I have a North Star thanks to The Studio. A year ago I thought I could not work full time while having my children old at home. Thanks to all the content here I was able to make it work. My victim mindset is gone most of the time."  
- Jolene
"Thank you Avital for changing my life in the last 2 weeks...I'm so thankful I joined..." 
 "Thank you Avital for changing my life in the last 2 weeks...I'm so thankful I joined...there has been tremendous shifts in just the way we move as a family...power struggles are decreasing...tantrums seem to pass more easily...even made gains in negotiating screen time....daddy comes home happy and proud to have done the work so far of being more present and playful..." 
- J L
"Two years in...I'm finally at that place of a thriving mommy. I do love parenting now I enjoy the kids so much and they in turn enjoy me."
My husband is working away from home...and he is a weekend daddy...if this were the case 2 years ago I would be pulling my hair out. There is a wonderful flow. Before bed it is no longer a struggle. Routines are in place. Sanity is kept. I have lots of support. I have a home-based business. I really enjoy what I do. It fills me up. The kids understand and give me space. The Studio has made a huge impact. You'll never know how much until much later on..." 
- Hannah
"As a fourth year member I have to say that I have had the biggest changes when I have taken the program one step at a time, month by month."
 "And it has changed the way I plan my year. When I feel like I need to declutter instead of getting overwhelmed I go "it's ok, there's a month for that' - When I need to improve our village I don't panic because I know it will come. It has truly freed up my mind from feeling like I need to do ALL the things ALL the time." 
- Christi
"One year later, and I am not just "surviving" but I am "thriving" as a mother." 
"Before I joined The Studio, I was not my best self. I was getting angry at my kids, my house was cluttered, I was not happy, I felt like I was breaking up fights all day. When I joined, change began on Day 1 for me. It gave me the motivation and encouragement I didn't know I needed. One year later, and I am not just "surviving" but I am "thriving" as a mother. I have learned how to embrace nature and so have my children. Our home is so much more peaceful and calm and decluttered. We have a flow to our day that doesn't make me feel stuck inside with the kids. We truly do enjoy our days. And all of this is thanks to the content I received through The Studio. I also love the community, and how supportive everyone is." 
What Sets The Studio Apart?
We Walk The Walk
Unlike many parenting experts who teach theories, we live the parenting life every day. Our entire team is made up of real parents juggling work-life balance, self-care, marriage, and more. Avital, a mother of five with a toddler and a tween, has been married for 17 years. This isn't just a job for us – it's our reality.
Open-Minded & Adaptable
Our approach encourages a wide range of opinions and lifestyles, cultivating a welcoming and accepting environment. We understand that every family is unique, and our philosophy is to "take what works and leave the rest." This supportive atmosphere promotes growth, understanding, and connection among our members, allowing you to tailor your parenting journey to best fit your family's needs.
Unwavering Stance
Unlike some gurus and experts out there who shy away from unpopular truths, we're not afraid to stand up for what's best for your family. We prioritize your family's well-being over winning popularity contests, providing you with honest support and guidance.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
We have helped over 5,000 families from over 100 countries around the world, from newbie expectant parents to families of 8. We know our approach works. If you don't love it for any reason - just let us know by May 15th, 2024 and we will issue you a full refund.
 The Studio is right for you if you are... 
Open-minded 🧠: Down to explore different perspectives and ideas.
Coachable 💪: Ready for guidance, feedback, and leveling up.
Drama-free 🚫: Keeping it chill in discussions, no storm-stirring allowed.
Committed to self-improvement 💯: All about personal growth and bettering family life.
Allergic to cancel-culture 🙅: Valuing diverse opinions without going all exclusionary.
Action Takers🔍: Tackling challenges head-on and seeking practical resolutions. Goodbye victim mindset!
...If you're ready to show up for your family with your best efforts and a growth mindset - then you belong in The Studio!
Get Your Family The Path To Joy
Whether you're a new parent - or you have tweens, the Hi Fam Studio will help you to create:
Experience a profound feeling of belonging, bonding, teamwork, support and intimate, close, tight-knit connection.
Build a sense of strength, fortified bonds, empowered mindsets, competence and capability to withstand challenges and adversity.
Avoid future regrets and build a life that feels alive, joyful, purposeful, satisfying, fulfilling and mission driven.
How Much Does The Studio Cost? Explain the payment structure - no fine print please! 

The membership fee is $429 every year or $139 every 3 months. This secures your spot in the membership and gives you access throughout the year to the valuable curriculum, projects, community, workshops and bonuses that are included in The Studio. There are no hidden fees. There are no payment plans. Once you join, you will be a member. We guarantee your satisfaction: If for any reason you don't love it, you have until May 15th, 2024 to ask for a refund - which you will receive, no questions asked. After the May 15th refund window, you will be a member for the full year. If you want to cancel at anytime - you're free to do so. Your membership will auto-renew on your membership renewal date each year (we'll send you a reminder 2 weeks in advance!). 

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How much time will it take to go through the course?
That's completely up to you! Here is the breakdown of what our members typically do:
 Studio Membership Core Trainings: 1-2 hours per month 
Implementing New Habits: As much time as you like! 
Supportive Community: Always here for you when you need it. Completely optional. 
Office hours with Avital: 1 hour per month 
Bonuses: Go at your own pace 
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Is this all online? Anything in person? 
The Studio is an online membership. However, there are occasional in person meetups and we encourage and facilitate these. 
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What if I want to join for just one month?
Sorry, no. We are an all-in kinda membership. Most of our members stay for life. Our curriculum is designed to be spread over the year, this is because we know that it takes time to create true and lasting transformations and see real results. We know it's tempting to just dip your toes and dabble, but we have the professional integrity to say that honestly, that won't work. Creating a positive family culture takes dedication and commitment over the long haul, just like parenting itself! Plus, we invest heavily in creating an amazing atmosphere in our group and we only want members who are for at least a year! 
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Is everything recorded? I'm worried about making it to live sessions.
Yes. No matter what time zone you're in, you won't miss a thing. We will have our live session - the Office Hours - once per month. If that time doesn't work for you, you will be able to view the recording. All other content is available at any time. 
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Is The Studio faith-based?

The Studio is complimentary with any faith. We are not affiliated with any religion and the curriculum and coaching are not based on any particular faith. We have members from every major religion, and members from no religion. In fact, our team is comprised of Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Atheist parents - yes, really. We celebrate this diversity. However, all of our content is designed to help you to live your unique values and we encourage you to create a home culture that deeply reflects your belief system and way of life. 

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What are your credentials? How do I know if this will work?

We have thousands of members who have been in the program for years and we know, without a doubt, that it works. Just read some of the stories on this page! But if you want the humble brag: Avital is a certified parenting coach with many years of experience, teaching on stages, podcasts and books, holding retreats and speaking on stages from LA to Abu Dhabi to Costa Rica. Not to mention, a married mother of 5 herself! 

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What if I'm a working parent?

Great! Join the club. Many of our members are stay-at-home moms, but many more are working moms. We have people from all walks of life. You will find your way of engaging with this content and applying it during the time you have available. There's no rush, here in The Studio, you can relax and rest assured knowing that we will pace you in a gradual, consistent and totally sustainable way towards the changes you desire. 

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What age group is this for?
It's never too early to start creating an amazing atmosphere at home and strengthen family bonds from the get go. If you are expecting or have a baby - that's a wonderful time to start. However, you will find these concepts applicable all the way through the teen years. We're here for the long haul, we're raising our kids together... join us. 
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What if my family is blended... adoptive...fostering...single parent...etc

We love and accept your family however you come. We think it's amazing that families come in all shapes and sizes, you are welcome here! 

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Do You Have A Refund Policy?
We back our program with a 100% satisfaction-free guarantee. If for any reason you don't love the program — just email us by May 15th, 2024 and you’ll get a full refund.
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More Questions?
Do you have more questions about The Studio? Email us at where our amazing support team of fellow moms are standing by happy to answer any questions you have.
How Much Does The Studio Cost? Explain the payment structure - no fine print please! 

The membership fee is $429 every year or $139 every 3 months. This secures your spot in the membership and gives you access throughout the year to the valuable curriculum, projects, community, workshops and bonuses that are included in The Studio. There are no hidden fees. There are no payment plans. Once you join, you will be a member. We guarantee your satisfaction: If for any reason you don't love it, you have until May 15th, 2024 to ask for a refund - which you will receive, no questions asked. After the May 15th refund window, you will be a member for the full year. If you want to cancel at anytime - you're free to do so. Your membership will auto-renew on your membership renewal date each year (we'll send you a reminder 2 weeks in advance!). 

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How much time will it take to go through the course?
That's completely up to you! Here is the breakdown of what our members typically do:
 Studio Membership Core Trainings: 1-2 hours per month 
 Implementing New Habits: As much time as you like! 
Supportive Community: Always here for you when you need it. Completely optional. 
Office hours with Avital: 1 hour per month 
Bonuses: Go at your own pace 
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Is this all online? Anything in person? 
The Studio is an online membership. However, there are occasional in person meetups and we encourage and facilitate these. 
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What if I want to join for just one month?
Sorry, no. We are an all-in kinda membership. Most of our members stay for life. Our curriculum is designed to be spread over the year, this is because we know that it takes time to create true and lasting transformations and see real results. We know it's tempting to just dip your toes and dabble, but we have the professional integrity to say that honestly, that won't work. Creating a positive family culture takes dedication and commitment over the long haul, just like parenting itself! Plus, we invest heavily in creating an amazing atmosphere in our group and we only want members who are for at least a year! 
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Is everything recorded? I'm worried about making it to live sessions.
Yes. No matter what time zone you're in, you won't miss a thing. We will have our live session - the Office Hours - once per month. If that time doesn't work for you, you will be able to view the recording. All other content is available at any time. 
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Is The Studio faith-based?

The Studio is complimentary with any faith. We are not affiliated with any religion and the curriculum and coaching are not based on any particular faith. We have members from every major religion, and members from no religion. In fact, our team is comprised of Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Atheist parents - yes, really. We celebrate this diversity. However, all of our content is designed to help you to live your unique values and we encourage you to create a home culture that deeply reflects your belief system and way of life. 

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What are your credentials? How do I know if this will work?

We have thousands of members who have been in the program for years and we know, without a doubt, that it works. Just read some of the stories on this page! But if you want the humble brag: Avital is a certified parenting coach with many years of experience, teaching on stages, podcasts and books, holding retreats and speaking on stages from LA to Abu Dhabi to Costa Rica. Not to mention, a married mother of 5 herself! 

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What if I'm a working parent?

Great! Join the club. Many of our members are stay-at-home moms, but many more are working moms. We have people from all walks of life. You will find your way of engaging with this content and applying it during the time you have available. There's no rush, here in The Studio, you can relax and rest assured knowing that we will pace you in a gradual, consistent and totally sustainable way towards the changes you desire. 

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What age group is this for?
It's never too early to start creating an amazing atmosphere at home and strengthen family bonds from the get go. If you are expecting or have a baby - that's a wonderful time to start. However, you will find these concepts applicable all the way through the teen years. We're here for the long haul, we're raising our kids together... join us. 
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What if my family is blended... adoptive... fostering... single parent... etc.

We love and accept your family however you come. We think it's amazing that families come in all shapes and sizes, you are welcome here! 

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Do You Have A Refund Policy?
We back our program with a 100% satisfaction-free guarantee. If for any reason you don't love the program — just email us by May 15th, 2024 and you’ll get a full refund.
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More Questions?
Do you have more questions about The Studio? Email us at where our amazing support team of fellow moms are standing by happy to answer any questions you have.